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 the mission 

Romans 8:14-19

Family First Only Royalty

Matthew 25:34-50

In Service of Our KING!

Hebrews 2:9-15



 preach & teach 

 the good news of 

 jesus christ 

 reach the world 

Boldly proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to men, women and children worldwide with an emphasis on outreach; feeding, clothing, providing assistance to the sick and homeless and visiting and assisting those imprisoned.

Matthew 25: 34-40


Cloud Crew Community's only mission is to let the world know the truth that JESUS is KING, GOD, and SAVIOR of this world. The KING IS COMMING!!!! We all must love HIM with all of our hearts and live as HE teaches. Repent and become a member of the most ancient and royal family in existence; the family of YAHAWAH and JESUS CHRIST.




Cloud Crew Community is a boots to the ground ministry. We have dedicated our lives and talents to minister to people the love of JESUS Christ on a personal level. It is not about building up great church buildings for us but rather great human temples worldwide.


It is our intention to minster the love of Jesus Christ to a hurting world. Focused on those that may never enter a church building, but are hungry, thirsty, in need of clothes, homeless, sick and in prison.


Furthering our mission, we work closely with churches and ministries worldwide. As well as Christian artists from singers to rappers, painters, film artists and more!



About Cloud Crew Community


Cloud Crew Community was founded in 2014, by YAHAWAH through Cyrus Wilkerson, a man who saw everything the world had to offer and rejected it all. It is our goal to use every tool available to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.


Cloud Crew Community History
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